Night Vision Retrofit Unit NV007S

Pard Night Vision Retrofit Unit NV007S

Screen 1024 x 768 px, full HD sensor (1080 p), objective lens 16 mm, magnification: 1.5-6x, focusable IR illuminator: 5 Watt, 850 nm, detection distance: 200 m, rechargeable battery: 18650 (1x), 3.7 V, IP-67 waterproof, tested up to .308 calibre, ext. Power supply via USB, operating temperature: -20 - +55 °C, photo and video recording possible, resolution 2595 x 1944 (photo) / 1920 x 1080 (video), micro SD card (not included), freely selectable brightness and exposure settings, WIFI, size: 102 x 75 x 118 mm, weight: 256 g (without battery), delivery includes 45 mm mounting adapter with reducing sleeves.

Legal notice:

The purchase or sale of night vision and close-up devices and thermal imaging monoculars is not subject to authorisation in Germany, nor is the use of thermal imaging monoculars for hunting. The carrying and use as a hand-held device (monocular by attaching an eyepiece) of attachment devices (night vision and thermal image) does not require a permit in Germany.

In some federal states, attaching the attachments to a target optic for hunting is prohibited (see data sheet).

Manufacturer Information:

Brandname: Pard
Address: ul.Rezedowa 2, 65-001 Zielona Gora
Phone: +48 603 567 418
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